For more than 10 years now I’ve been an independent coach, helping my clients who wanted to have it all and be it all, or at the very least feel and look awesome, I’ve been helping them to change habits around food, fitness, lifestyle, and recently a lot around productivity and brain performance.
For more than 10 years now I’ve been a digital nomad traveling to and living sometimes shorter, sometimes longer stays in countries all across the global map - Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Bali, Russia, Dubai, Lebanon, Egypt, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Greece, Peru, US and now Mexico.
For more than 10 years now I’ve been learning, exploring, writing, finding my ways.
I’ve always wanted to dedicate more time to research and writing, to sharing my extensive knowledge that comes from an insatiable curiosity, love of learning, never-ending certifications in the fields of health, nutrition, performance, ongoing personal experiments, and work with clients all around the world, burning passion and unbending dedication to grow, improve and help others, I’ve always wanted to find a way to share all this better, more, with unexpected quality and insights you won’t find anywhere else, supporting myself with this work that changes lives, helps you, dear reader, to live better and DO GREAT THINGS.
And it seems like starting a publication on substack is the exact beginning of this going-far-into-the-past dream, the pursuit of knowledge to grow, be and do our best, by science (that’s never been in a better, faster, prolific stage), and help others express their unique genius doing so as well.
Every time I learn about a new tool - nutrition, lifestyle, supplement, breathing, behavior, sleep and light routine among others, I ask myself, “What if I knew that 10 years ago? What if every person knew that? What if every kid starting their life journey knew that? What if we helped each other learn and do, do better, together? How cooler our world would be?”
And so, here I am, pursuing these questions. What if…?
What if I knew that long time ago, what if somebody taught me that, shared that with me in a digestible manner? Maybe that “magical” transformation of a very shy girl who would often lose her voice, trying to speak up and couldn’t say a sentence in front of a phone camera into an I-don’t-give-a-damn-who’s-in-front-of-me-I’m-gonna-say-it bold woman, who can move an audience of hundreds of people giving a talk, ending it with a standing ovation and absolutely loving it, maybe that would happen much sooner?
I changed leap and bounds over just a few short months and it just keeps getting better, and I want to share it all with you, dear friend, who has a purpose to chase and no time (or better say patience) to waste! :)
I hope to spread this publication as a wildfire - let’s do it together!
If you feel connected to my mission, here are a few ways that will help to build our tribe of change-makers and world-shakers:
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As always, if you'd like to drop me a note, you can email me at or find me on Instagram @1000yearyoung and Twitter @1000yearyoung.
Angela Shurina
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